Factivation!® Order Form
Order Type:
BOXED PROGRAM for SCHOOLS (with Fact Lab Subscription Option)
Payment Method: Purchase Order/Check
Order Instructions: Complete, print, and fax this form (with PO) to 405.286.6892, OR mail this form and school check to: Factivation LLC, 4105 NW 146th Terr., Oklahoma City, OK, 73134.
If your school has classroom internet access, we would recommend that you consider an ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION. This cost-efficient option will allow your teachers full access to new materials and updates as they become available.
STEP 1: Please type in the information below. Once all steps have been completed, fax this form along with school/district purchase order to 405.286.6892. Your order will be processed within 2 business days.
STEP 2: Please choose an option below and indicate the needed quantity. Need help deciding which is the best option for you? See ordering guide.
Why order online student subscriptions if you don't have internet access in the classroom? You may want students to be able to access www.factivation.com for home study or in your school's computer lab. If you are using the DVD and printables in the classroom, support your efforts and get parents involved by providing your students with online home practice!
* Each Factivation!® license is for use by ONE teacher in ONE classroom. For use in multiple classrooms, please see the Group and Site License options. Please open and read the License Agreement before purchasing the Factivation!® program.
STEP 4: If your order includes online student subscriptions, read the Website Terms of Use and sign below indicating your agreement. (Fill in teacher names below.)
I have read the License Agreement and understand the Website Terms of Use (if applicable).
Signed ______________________________________ Date ___________________
Thank you for your order. We look forward to working with your school/district!
Order Instructions: Complete, print, and fax this form (with PO) to 405.286.6892, OR mail this form and school check to: Factivation LLC, 4105 NW 146th Terr., Oklahoma City, OK, 73134.