welcome to the addition fact lab

addition lessons 1-3 addition lessons 4-8 addition lessons 9-12

cupcake for addition facts

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read to me Print and cut out this cupcake pattern. With each passed lesson, draw one "sprinkle" on your cupcake. (Sparkle stickers also make great cupcake sprinkles!) Celebrate your success with a real cupcake when you've passed all twelve Factivation!® for Addition lessons!

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YOU ARE IN LESSON 12: Final Facts
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Step 1: Watch Videos!

read to meThe videos below will teach you the focus facts for this lesson! Complete the Adderpillar Activity (right) for more hands-on practice with these facts!


addition lesson 12 full videoaddition lesson 12 quick flickaddition lesson 12 fast factssubtraction lesson 12 video

Step 2: Practice!

read to mePlay the games below to practice the facts from this lesson and previous lessons. FLUENCY is your goal. This means you are trying to answer each fact in just a few seconds!

addition games- on target addition games- on target addition games- on target addition games- on target addition games- on target addition games- on target

fluency builder


Addition Fluency Builder
Subtraction Fluency Builder

testStep 3: Test Yourself!

Are you ready to move on to the next lesson?
Click the blinking star above to test your skills!

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addition test