Ordering Options for Schools/Districts
I need to know about...
Ordering Factivation!® for ONE school
Ordering Factivation!® for MORE THAN ONE school
Single Site Implementation
Option 1: Online Subscription- If your school is equipped with internet in the classrooms, the web-based online subscription option is recommended. With your Factivation!® subscription, your teachers can take advantage of ongoing product updates. In addition, the COMPLETE VERSION online subscription (see below) will allow your students to access the Fact Lab anytime, from home or school! New content is being added regularly and is available to all online subscribers.
It's Simple! Just fill in the online order form, print, and mail or fax with PO or school check
to the address/ fax number listed above. Your teachers/students will be set up to access all of the Factivation.com resources within 48 hours of receipt.
Option 2: Boxed Programs- If your school does not have internet access in the classrooms, consider ordering the boxed Factivation!® program. The boxed program includes the Factivation!® for Multiplication DVD (containing all lesson videos) and a Printables Disc.
Just fill in the online order form, print, and mail or fax with PO or school check to the address/
fax number listed above. Orders are generally processed within 48 hours of receipt.
Q: What if we need the boxed programs, but want our students to be able to access the Fact Lab for home practice?
A: Simply fill out the online order form and indicate that you would like to add Student Users to your purchase. (Each teacher can have up to 25 Student Users.) All teachers/schools using the Factivation!® program (online or boxed version) have the option of adding Student Users for only $1.99 per student. This is a 90% discount from the Home Version price and is available only to teachers and schools that have a Factivation!® license/subscription.
Unsure about which option you will need? See our ordering guide for help.
For student Fact Lab access, all username/password combinations will follow the example below:
Online Subscription and Boxed Product Information/ Pricing for
Group and Site Licenses:
Place Online Subscription Order
Place Order for Boxed Programs
Multiple Site Implementation
To place a district-wide order for several sites at once, fill in the online order form and indicate the quantity of group/site online subscriptions or boxed product licenses needed.
* If you have chosen Option 1 (Online Subscription), please include a complete list of all teacher names in your fax/mailing so that we can quickly assign all needed usernames and passwords to teachers (and students, if applicable).
Give your district's teachers online access to the most effective resource for ensuring fact mastery!
* If you have chosen Option 2 (Boxed Programs) and have opted to take advantage of the $1.99/student Fact Lab access, please include a complete list of all teacher names in your fax/mailing so that we can quickly assign all needed usernames and passwords to STUDENTS (see example above).
Provide your teachers with the Factivation!® for Multiplication DVD and printable resources to ensure fact mastery for your district's students.