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Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting


Q: My students are having trouble logging in at home. Could they be misspelling their username/password?

A: Yes, misspellings are a common issue for students logging in. YOU CAN DO THE FOLLOWING TO HELP THEM... Remind them to always use lowercase letters when logging in. Send home the "Let's Get Factivated" announcement to keep near their computer for reference. If all else fails, have them log in using the EASY LOGIN FORM.


Q: What should we do if a video stops in the middle or seems "choppy"?

A: Try PAUSING the video for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then push PLAY to resume watching. If the problem persists, contact us immediately for assistance.



Q: Does my subscription renew automatically? How do I cancel recurring payments?


A: If you signed up for your Factivation!® membership online, it is automatically updated and billed each year on your sign-up date. If you wish to cancel recurring payments, please do the following:

You will need to log in to your PayPal account to cancel Paypal Subscriptions. (Your Factivation!® membership will remain active for one year from your sign-up date even if recurring payments have been cancelled.) Please follow these steps:
1) Log into Paypal.
2) Click Profile.
3) On the Profile page, on the left, click "My Money."
4) On the right, find "My Preapproved Payments," and click its "Update" link.
5) The Factivation subscription will be shown under the "Merchant" column. Just click it to be taken to a description page, which includes a Cancel button near the top.
6) Click the Cancel button. It will say that your customer profile cannot be reactivated once cancelled. This means your Factivation subscription profile, NOT your Paypal account. Click to complete cancellation.




Q: I am having trouble logging in or am getting kicked off of the site mid-session. What should I do?

A: If you weren't admitted, you may be having a browser cookie issue. Try the steps below:

1) Make sure your computer's date and time are EXACTLY correct. The number one reason that a browser refuses cookies is because the date/time of the server disagrees with your computer's internal date/time. Check for the exact date and time where you are and fix your computer's clock if necessary. If you change it, restart your computer.

2) Always use the very NEWEST VERSION of your browser. Even if you think you have the latest version, download the new version now anyway and install it. If given the option, keep the auto-update feature turned on in the browser. That is the second most common reason for trouble.

3) Try a different browser. If you've tried logging in with Internet Explorer up until now, for example, please try logging in with Firefox or Safari and vice versa. If you don't have the other browser, please download and install it. Get Firefox here: Get Internet Explorer here: Get Safari here:

4) If none of the above works, contact us immediately and use the EASY LOGIN FORM instead.