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Password Reminder?

It's been several months since you last logged in and you can't seem to remember your password...Just click "Forgot Password", located under the login button. We'll send you your password via e-mail.


Trouble Logging In?

Please try the steps below in this order. There is usually an EASY fix for login problems!

1) Use only lowercase letters.
2) Type your e-mail address in slowly to avoid accidental typos/omissions.

3) Click "Forgot Password" (right) to make sure you're using the right one.

4) Make sure you have cookies enabled on your computer. More info >
5) Update your browser to the latest version. More info >

6) Try a different browser, like Firefox or Safari. More info >

7) Contact us to see if your e-mail address was properly verified. More info>



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Go to EASY LOGIN FORM> (Read below)
Teachers- Please use the Easy Login Form if you cannot login using the form below. It will send us an error report . Be sure to try the suggestions (left) if you have any difficulty logging in- Thank you!

NEED A PASSWORD REMINDER? Click "Forgot Password".
ADDITION MEMBERS- Click here to login at Addition site.


Member Login 
E-Mail Address:  Sentry Password Protection Membership Script

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