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Subscription / Ordering- TEACHERS



You have indicated that you are a teacher. Review the SCHOOL VERSION options below and choose the one that best fits your needs. If other teachers in your school are needing to get their students "factivated" as well, look at the GROUP and SITE LICENSE options. *Discounts offered on multiple orders. Already using Factivation!®? Subscribe your students to At-Home Fact Lab practice!

If your school does not have internet in the classrooms, consider ordering the boxed Factivation!® program. The boxed program includes the Factivation!® for Multiplication DVD (containing all lesson videos) and a Printables Disc. Your boxed purchase will still allow you to take advantage of the $1.99/student Fact Lab subscriptions, giving your students access at home or in the computer lab. $89.99


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If your school is equipped with internet in the classrooms, the Online Subscription option is recommended. Your Factivation!® subscription allows you to take advantage of ongoing product updates. In addition, the COMPLETE VERSION will allow your students to access the Fact Lab anytime, from home or school! New content is being added regularly and is available to all online subscribers. $34.95/year


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