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“The Turtlehead Method” for Multi-Digit Multiplication

About this Video: The Turtlehead Method provides a simple and entertaining way for students to recall the steps involved in solving multi-digit Multiplication problems using the traditional algorithm. The video also demonstrates the importance of having mastered single-digit Multiplication facts, as students learn how to apply basic facts to larger Multiplication problems.  Teacher Instructions→

Teacher Instructions:

Teachers/parents are invited to use this Multiplication video as a fun introduction to multi-digit Multiplication, leading into conceptual follow-up discussions of WHY the “turtle egg” (the Zero) is needed:

  • Guide students in reflecting on previous learning involving place value. 
  • Pause the video and ask students to identify the true value of each digit represented in each problem.  
  • Ask: If the bottom number has a “3” in the tens place, what are we actually multiplying by?  (30)
  • Ask, “Why is the ZERO (the turtle egg) needed?”

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