You may be familiar with the work of Dr. Robert Marzano, a leading researcher in the field of education. Dr. Marzano's learning map, outlines 41 elements of effective classroom instruction, divided into 9 design questions (DQ). Each falls under one of the following three lesson segments: Involving Routine Events, Addressing Content, Enacted on the Spot. Factivation!® correlates to many of the 41 identified classroom strategies
“Not another program!” “I already have enough on my plate…now this too!” “This may be 'the thing’ this year, but next year it will be out the window like everything else.”Having spent 15+ years as an elementary classroom teacher, I've had the opportunity to eat lunch daily in the teacher’s lounge (although there never was much lounging!) and attend weekly grade level and/or faculty meetings. I have heard it all (and have probably even said it all myself) when it comes to administrative mandates that seem to be ever-changing.