21 Aug Factivation & the RTI Process
RTI, or Response to Intervention, is a multi-tiered approach used by schools nationwide to identify and support the educational needs of all students. Learn More.
The tiers are as follows:
- Tier 1: High-Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening, and Group Interventions
- Tier 2: Targeted Interventions
- Tier 3: Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation
Factivation!® can be used at all tiers to deliver effective Math fact instruction and/or intervention.
At Tier 1, teachers use Factivation!® in a whole group setting for their “first, best” Math fact instruction. Please refer to our research information, which outlines the correlations between Factivation!® and Dr. Marzano’s research of effective instructional practices.
At Tier 2, Factivation!® may be used individually or with a small group. It is recommended that teachers use the Fluency Builder Activities with each lesson coupled with the Speed Check Chart in this (and all other tiers) to support students in the development of fact fluency. According to the research of Dr. Marzano, students tracking their own progress is THE highest-probable yield strategy for increasing student achievement. The Speed Check Chart (based off of Dr. Jim Wright’s How RTI Works Series) helps students to “improve both their accuracy and fluency on math computation worksheets by independently self-monitoring their computation speed, charting their daily progress, and earning rewards for improved performance.” See intervention steps here.