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math skills for young students

Why and How to Work with Young Children at Home

The recently-adopted Common Core standards have introduced a new level of rigor to classrooms across the nation.  Students lacking basic Math skills will undoubtedly struggle to keep up with the increased expectations. While the issue is coming to the forefront due to recent national attention on the new standards, the problem is really not new to educators.  Some studies have found that the math skills a student possesses in Kindergarten can be used to predict overall academic achievement up to grade three.

Tracking Addition fact fluency using the Factivation!® for Addition pre-assessment

The Factivation!® for Addition Assessment Tool can be used to pinpoint Addition fact gaps (for older students) or can be used to obtain a baseline from which to measure progress (younger students). The purpose of the assessment tool is to determine which facts students do and do not know. Older students taking the Multiplication assessment are instructed to leave blank products they don't know and they are generally okay with that.  studentsYounger students, however, may be fearful about not answering a problem and will immediately go to finger counting for facts they don't know

multiplication trick

Simplify the Sixes facts with the Half-Whole Trick!

This Multiplication trick makes learning the Sixes facts simple! The "Half-Whole" multiplication trick works like this:

When multiplying six by an even number, the product is HALF of that number (tens place), then the WHOLE number (ones place).

Here's an example:

Learn how to use Factivation!® in under 20 minutes!

Want to know how to effectively put Factivation!® to work for you and your school? This Teacher Training video takes the highlights of our full-day Multiplication workshop and condenses them into a 15-minute presentation to be viewed by individual teachers, grade level teams, or an entire faculty.

Student engagement is high with Factivation! What IS Factivation?

Factivation!® is a complete program that not only addresses fact fluency, but also teaches students the concept, vocabulary, application, and reciprocity of operations.

[caption id="attachment_14830" align="alignnone" width="765"]chants bulletin board Login to the Members' Site to print this Multiplication Chants Bulletin Board Set![/caption]

Here's a nearly effortless way to build fact fluency!

Watch the video tutorial below for a demonstration of how to utilize the Factivation!® chants as your daily class attention getters. Teachers use attention getters multiple times throughout the day. If I had to estimate the number of times I would use an attention getter with my class, I would have to say it would be in the range of 20-30 times a day. Just imagine 20-30 daily exposures to Multiplication facts like 6x3, 8x7, 7x7, etc! This is a powerful, but little-known secret

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]About this Video: The Turtlehead Method provides a simple and entertaining way for students to recall the steps involved in solving multi-digit Multiplication problems using the traditional algorithm. The video also demonstrates the importance of having mastered...