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Multiplication strategies

STEP 1: Start with Strategies to Create a Mental Hook

Why use strategies (like Rule, Trick, Chant, and Connection™) to teach Math facts rather than just having students memorize in a traditional rote manner? The Factivation!® strategies utilize existing schema. They apply meaning to each fact, thereby increasing a students' ability to recall the product.

multiplication trick

Simplify the Sixes facts with the Half-Whole Trick!

This Multiplication trick makes learning the Sixes facts simple! The "Half-Whole" multiplication trick works like this:

When multiplying six by an even number, the product is HALF of that number (tens place), then the WHOLE number (ones place).

Here's an example:

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text css=""]About this Video: The Turtlehead Method provides a simple and entertaining way for students to recall the steps involved in solving multi-digit Multiplication problems using the traditional algorithm. The video also demonstrates the importance of having mastered...

Factivation fluency builders

A Fluency Builder a day keeps low test scores away!

Not only does it keep low test scores away, but giving students this concentrated five minutes/day of targeted fluency practice builds Mathematical confidence as they see their own improvement from Challenge 1 to Challenge 4. If your goal is to build fact fluency (and we would assume that is is!), this is THE printable for your students.