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multiplication trick

Simplify the Sixes facts with the Half-Whole Trick!

This Multiplication trick makes learning the Sixes facts simple! The "Half-Whole" multiplication trick works like this:

When multiplying six by an even number, the product is HALF of that number (tens place), then the WHOLE number (ones place).

Here's an example:

[caption id="attachment_14830" align="alignnone" width="765"]chants bulletin board Login to the Members' Site to print this Multiplication Chants Bulletin Board Set![/caption]

Here's a nearly effortless way to build fact fluency!

Watch the video tutorial below for a demonstration of how to utilize the Factivation!® chants as your daily class attention getters. Teachers use attention getters multiple times throughout the day. If I had to estimate the number of times I would use an attention getter with my class, I would have to say it would be in the range of 20-30 times a day. Just imagine 20-30 daily exposures to Multiplication facts like 6x3, 8x7, 7x7, etc! This is a powerful, but little-known secret

condense the times tables

We simplify the times table into small, brain-friendly groups!

How does Factivation!® make Multiplication facts so simple for students? It starts with condensing the times table into logical, manageable groups. Most Factivation!® lessons only contain three focus facts! Let's take a quick trip down memory lane: Think back to your elementary days when YOU were learning the (often dreaded) times tables.